Money Mindset

Money Mindset with Michal Stawicki

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In this episode of “The Independent Boss Podcast,” we explore the money mindset behind starting and succeeding at business and how it can impact our personal lives.
Our guest is Michal Stawicki, Michal founded Ressurecting Books – a book advertising agency which helps authors to sell more books with Amazon ads. He started it in 2017, while working full-time. Since then, Resurrecting Books served over 100 authors helping them to sell more than 140,000 copies of their books.
At the end of 2021 Michal started a business coaching practice helping 5-figure online solopreneurs to grow their profits.
Michal shares his insights on the benefits of Money mindset, such as savings, investment, and personal growth.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to learn how to manage their mindset towards money especially when you are planning to quit your 9-5 job and start your business or manage a business together with your 9-5 job to live a more fulfilling and positive life.
Connect with Guest
Cell:   +48 517-847-093
Skype:   mstawicki1cyfrowy
LinkedIn: Stawicki-Michal
Twitter: @StawickiMichal